The Guitar Composers Toolbox aims to be a site where composers can find interactive guitar tools that will help them throughout the composition process.

During this process, as a composer, you can get stuck at some point trying to decide which is the best chord or scale for your progression/ arrangement. Or simply you don’t know which of the chord variations will fit better or will be harmonically consistent with the other chords. In this case, our Chord Finder lets you filter by frets showing only the chords that are between two given frets. This is very helpful when you want to harmonize melodies and moving the melody line is not an option. When you’re creating a fingerstyle arrange you need to know at every moment which are the chords that are in close proximity with your last choice in order to guarantee the harmonic cohesion.

The Ukelele Chord Finder works like the Guitar Chord Finder letting you filter between two given frets in order to find the most appropriate chord. Some other tools are being developed such as a Scale Finder, Scale Harmonizer or an interactive app for learning fast ascending and descending flamenco scales for any of the common styles -palos- inside the genre.

The articles section will show interesting articles about guitar/ukelele techniques for composition that will try to cover the most common scenarios and difficulties a composer can find.