Ukelele Chords Chart for every root note and chord type

How the ukulele chord finder works?

In order to begin using this tool the first thing to do is select the root note from the note selector. Once you have chosen the root note in the right side of this selector you’ll find another selector from where you can choose the kind of chord ( Power Chord, Major, minor, Dominant seventh…)

Then click the GET CHORD button and you’ll see all the posibles shapes for this chord all over the neck.

If you want to filter the chords use the fret filter selector you can find under the Basic and Barre Chords section. Move the selectors over the first and last fret you want to look for.

The numbers inside the black dots mean the note of the scale in grades. So for example, 1 means the root note, 3 means the third note of the scale and so on. If you are looking for a minor chord the third will by minor ( one tone and a half from the root note) and if the chord you are looking for is major then the 3 is a major third ( 2 tones from the root)

Ukulele Chords filtered by fret

Your online ukulele chords finder

This free interactive chart will help you find the right ukulele chord you're looking for!

With this simple interactive chart, you will find all the posible positions for each chord